Saturday, October 30, 2010

2 Kings 11:1 - 13:13 - Thoughts

Jehoash did what was right in the sight of the LORD all the days in which Jehoiada the priest instructed him. (Verse 12:2)

King Jehoash did what was right as long as his uncle, Jehoiada the priest, instrected him.  Once Jehoiada dies, Jehoash quickly went away from the LORD.

This is a common problem in the church today.  We can get our eyes on a leader or a teacher.  Our motivation for following Christ may be because of a family member or someone we respect in the church.  If that person falls away from Christ or dies, we can quickly turn from Jesus ourselves.  That's why it is so important for us to keep our eyes on Jesus and not on people.  Pastors, parents, spouses, friends, relatives, coworkers will all fail us.  But Jesus will never fail.

2 Kings 11:1 - 13:13 - Outline

Chapter 11
Athaliah Murders Family (1-3)
Jehoiada's Covenant (4-8)
Captains Guard Joash (9-11)
Jehoiada Anoints Joash (12-14)
Athaliah is Killed (15-16)
Jehoiada Renews Covenant (17-18)
Joash Made King (19-21)
Chapter 12
Joash Becomes King (1-3)
Joash Repairs Temple (4-5)
Offering Taken For Temple Repairs (9-10)
Money Used For Repairs (11-16)
War With Syria (17-18)
Death of Joash (19-21)
Chapter 13
Reign of Jehoahaz (1-2)
God's Judgement on Jehoahaz (3-7)
Death of Jehoahaz (8-9)
Reign of Jehoash in Israel (10-13)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Galatians 3 & 4 - Thoughts

But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith." (Verse 3:11)

Paul quotes from Habakkuk 2:4 where we see Habakkuk struggling with God in the midst of a terrible time in Israel's history.  Sin and idolatry were prevalent, no one seemed to be seeking the LORD, Israel had been taken captive by the Assyrians and the Babylonian armies were poised to destroy Jerusalem.  Habakkuk asks God, "O LORD, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear?" (Habakkuk 1:2)

Finally, God answers Habakkuk, but not to explain the details of His plan.  He simply tells Habakkuk to have faith.  Faith that the God of the universe is still in control.  We must believe God at his word.  This belief is accounted to us for righteousness just as it was for Abraham. (Genesis 15:6)(Romans 4:3)(Galatians 3:6)(James 2:23).

When we truly grasp this idea, we can put aside our worries and begin to enjoy the freedom we have in Christ.  Legalism usually comes from a lack of trust in God's control.  We think we must do all these things to please God or work harder to help God out of a bind.  God wants to use us, but He doesn't need us.

Lord, please help me to enjoy the freedom You give to me even when I cannot understand it.  Help me to know You are in control and I can rely on Your Spirit to do the work through me and not by my own strength.

Galatians 3 & 4 - Outline

Chapter 3
Spirit Works Through Faith (1-6)
Justification Through Faith (7-14)
Jesus, Not The Law, Is The Blessing To All Nations (15-18)
Purpose Of The Law (19-25)
We Are Sons And Daughters Of God (26-29)
Chapter 4
Bondage of Sin (1-5)
Don't Turn Back (7-10)
Paul Reminds Them of Their Start (11-16)
Warnings About False Teachers (17-18)
Paul's Desire To Be With Them (19-20)
Old Testament Example of Sarah and Hagar (21-31)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 Kings 9:14 - 10:36 - Thoughts

This is the word of the LORD (9:36)

How often do we read in the Old Testiment, "Thus says the LORD" or "The LORD said?"  It is very frequent.  I read these words, but do I stop to think about what this means?  The LORD cannot lie.  What He says will happen.  God is faithful and just.  These are comforting words when I'm struggling and need to hold onto the promises of God, but they are also convicting when I realize that God is a God of justice and He doesn't just wink at my sin and ignore it.

As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I know my sins have been seperated from me as far as the east is from the west.  Jesus paid the price for my sin and I am free.  However, as children of the King, He doesn't want us walking in sin or using grace as a doormat or excuse to do our own thing.  That isn't being a follower of Christ.  So God will chasen us and wants us to repent from our sins quickly and turn back to Him.

For those who don't trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour, it is a much different story.  Unfortunately they will be required to stand in judgement of their sins someday.  I don't think anyone in this situation actually believes this to be true.  If they did, they would repent and accept Jesus Christ.  Instead, they don't believe God and His promises.  Instead, they say things like, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." (2 Peter 3:4).  Being wise in their own eyes, they become fools.

This thought should break the heart of a Christian.  If God's word is true, and every follower of Jesus should believe it is, then people are dieing every day and going to hell.  We have the good news, why don't we share?  It makes me wonder if I actually believe it to be true.

A wise pastor once said, "The wheels of God's judgment turn slowly, yet they grind completely."  God gives us a choice of life or death and then begs us to choose life.

2 Kings 9:14 - 10:36 - Outline

Chapter 9
Jehu Conspires Against Joram (14-15)
Watchmen Join Jehu (16-19)
Joram Meets Jehu (20-22)
Jehu Kills Joram (23-26)
Jehu Kills Ahaziah (27-28)
Jezebel Dies (29-37)
Chapter 10
Jehu Gives Ahab's Sons A Chance To Fight (1-4)
No One Challenges Jehu (5-6)
Ahab's Sons Killed (7-10)
Jehu Kills Remaining Friends of Ahab (11)
Jehu Kills Brothers of Ahaziah (12-14)
Jehu Kills All Loyal To Ahab (15-17)
Jehu Kills Worshipers of Baal (18-28)
Jehu Continues In Calf Worship (29-31)
God Cuts Off Parts Of Israel (32-36)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Galatians 1 & 2 - Thoughts

...they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised (Verse 2:9)

It is so good to see unity in the church, when believers recognize that each of us has a different ministry and yet we are all working toward the same goal: seeing souls saved.  That is the main focus of Romans 8:28, "all things working together for good."

But it is very important that we don't simply seek unity for the sake of unity.  Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 5 that we should have nothing to do with those who call themselves Christians, yet don't follow the basic doctrines of the Bible.

May we seek unity in the church and not compromise doctrine. It is a balance that can only be achieved by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is why we should be doing all things through His power. (Zech 4:6)

Galatians 1 & 2 - Outline

Chapter 1
Greetings (1-5)
Turning Away From The Gospel (6-9)
Gospel Is From God, Not Men (10-12)
Paul Describes His Life As A Legalist (13-14)
Paul's Transformation (15-16)
Three Years in Arabia (17-19)
Paul's Radical Conversion (20-24)
Chapter 2
Paul Goes To Speak In Jerusalem (1-5)
Unity in Christ (6-10)
Paul Confronts Peter (11-14)
Jews Know Justification By Works Fails (15-21)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2 Kings 8:1 - 9:13 - Thoughts

Then he set his countenance in a stare until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept. (Verse 8:11)

Elisha saw the evil in Hazael's heart that he didn't see.  Hazael's response was denial rather than repentance (verse 13).  The truth is, we are all capable of evil.  It is only by God's grace that we can do any good.

Part of me is shocked when I read sections of scripture like this.  It is obvious God knows exactly what Hazael will do and the pain it will cause so many,  yet He does not prevent it.  God allows Hazael free will but first uses Elisha to warn him what kind of man he was.  Oh that he would have repented and asked for mercy.  God would have given him grace.

James 1:22-24 tells us that God's word is like a mirror.  It reviles what kind of man or woman we are; the evil inside each one of us.  We then choose to do something about it or go away and immediately forget.

What does God's word show me today about myself?  Am I convicted when I compare myself to the life Jesus demonstrated?  I should be.  God please protect me from the evil that is in my heart.  Show me and help me to be more like Your son.  Fill me with Your Spirit and allow me to bear the fruit of the Spirit, Love.

2 Kings 8:1 - 9:13 - Outline

Chapter 8
Elisha Warns Shunemite Woman (1-2)
Woman Asks For Her Land (3-5)
King Restores All Back To The Woman (6)
Elisha Meets With Hazael (7-9)
Elisha Prophesies About Ben-Hadad and Hazael (10-13)
Hazael Murders Ben-Hadad (14-15)
The Reign of Jehoram (16-19)
War With Edom (20-24)
The Reign of Ahaziah (25-27)
More War With Syria (28-29)
Chapter 9
Elisha Sends a Prophet To Anoint Jehu King (1-3)
Jehu Anointed King (4-11)
Jehu Announced As King (11-13)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 Corinthians 12-13 - Thoughts

For though He was crucified in weakness, yet He lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in Him, but we shall live with Him by the power of God toward you. (Verse 13:4)

Do you ever feel weak?  I do.  Do others see Christianity as a crutch or a sign of weakness?  I believe they do.  People say things like, "I don't need Christ, I'm strong on my own.  I don't need church or God, thats for those weak people."

Of all the people that appeared weak, it would have been Jesus Christ on the cross.  And yet now we know that through this weakness, God was made strong and defeated the power of sin and death.  This one moment of apparent weakness gave God the power to save us from our sins. (Romans 1:16)

The truth is, all humans are weak.  All it takes is a little food poisoning or a cold to make us see the frailty of our bodies.  We all struggle emotionally and spiritually.  Everyone has points in their life when they can proclaim the same sentiment of Solomon: "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." (Eccl 1:2)

The Bible teaches that in our weakness, God is made strong.  We must recognize our weakness and look to God for strength.  This is not an excuse for self pity or a low self esteem, because God tells us that in Christ, we are His masterpiece. (Eph 2:10)

Lord, the world may thank I'm weak and I know I'm weak.  Please take my weakness and use it for your glory.  Let people know that any good thing that comes from me is because of You.

2 Corinthians 12-13 - Outline

Chapter 12
Paul's Heavenly Vision (1-4)
God's Strength in our Weakness (5-10)
Paul Again Apologises For Boasting(11-13)
Paul's Desire To Return To Corinth (14-21)
Chapter 13
Paul Warns of Correction (1-6)
Do No Evil (7-10)
Salutations (11-14)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

2 Kings 6 & 7 - Thoughts

Elisha answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them."  And Elisha prayed, and said, "LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw... (Verses 6:16-17)

It is all about perspective.  The more I read and study God's word, the more I realise the sign of spiritual maturity is not in how often or how long I pray, how much I study the Bible or give of my time.  These things are good, but they all serve one purpose: to align our heart and mind with the Creator of the universe.  When I do, my perspective is correct and I see the world through Jesus' eyes.  The trials seem smaller, the battles seem easier and the enemy looks outnumbered.

May we seek God's eyes and God's perspective on the world today.  We do this through prayer, reading His word, praising Him and by being in fellowship with other believers.  This happens to be the model for the church in Acts chapter 2!

2 Kings 6 & 7 - Outline

Chapter 6
Floating Axe Head (1-7)
King of Syria Makes War (8-13)
King of Syria Goes To Take Elisha (14-15)
Elisha Ministers To His Servant (16-17)
Elisha Brings Syrians To Samaria (18-20)
Elisha Shows Grace To The Syrians (21-24)
Ben-Hadad Besieges Samaria (24-25)
Extreme Depravity – Cannibalism (26-30)
Joram Seeks Elisha (31-33)
Chapter 7
Elisha Prophesies Deliverance (1-2)
Lepers Enter Syrian Camp (3-9)
Lepers Tell The King (10-13)
Samaria Is Delivered (14-16)
Death Of The Officer (17-20)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

2 Corinthians 10:1-11:28 - Thoughts

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.  (Verses 10:4-6)

We are in a spiritual battle; which Jesus will ultimately be the final judge.  So why doesn't Jesus punish the people that are persecuting us?  Perhaps WE are the answer to our own question.  Jesus doesn't always deal with others right away because He is trying to teach us something first.  Until we learn the lesson, Jesus may decide to allow others to continue the persecution.

If we saw trials this way, it would change our lives.  If we could see the spiritual battles being fought and understand that nothing is an accident or coincidence.  If someone is trying my patience, perhaps God is teaching me patience.  If someone makes me angry, perhaps God is dealing with my anger.  Rather than seeing others as the problem, if we could see them as an instrument God is using to solve a problem in our lives, it would be easier for us to pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44).

Lord, thank You for the problem people You put in my life.  I know that ultimately You will judge them for their actions, but right now You may be using them to deal with something in my life.  May I learn the lesson quickly and easily.

2 Corinthians 10:1-11:28 - Outline

Chapter 10
The Spiritual War (1-6)
In This Together (7-13)
Paul's Authority (14-18)
Chapter 11
Warnings Against Another Jesus, Spirit and Gospel (1-10)
Paul's Lack of Physical Qualities (5-11)
Paul Warns of False Apostles (12-21)
Paul Compares Ministries (22-28)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

2 Kings 4:38 & 5 - Thoughts

Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, "Look, my master has spared Naaman this Syrian, while not receiving from his hands what he brought; but as the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him." (Verse 5:20)

We may not like to admit it, but there is a part of Gehazi in all of us.  After accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we are born again and have become a new creation, but we still hold on to the old selfish flesh of the original creation.  We see four areas in Gehazi's life that show he was into religion and not relationship with his creator.

  1. Lack of compassion.  When the Shunammite mother fell at Elisha's feet, Gehazi tried to push her away (Verse 4:27).  How could he not see the deep distress on her face?
  2. Lack of power.  When Elisha sent Gehazi ahead of him to place Elisha's staff on the boy's face, nothing happened (Verse 4:31).  I believe Elisha thought this would work, yet we see no miracles done at the hand of Gehazi.
  3. Lack of faith.  During the famine, when the man from Baal Shalisha came with the small amount of food, Gehazi didn't believe it could feed everyone.  This is very similar to the lack of faith Jesus' disciples showed in the feeding of the four thousand and the feeding of the five thousand (Matthew chapters 14 - 15).
  4. Covetousness.  It finally became obvious that Gehazi's eyes were on the things of this world and not on the kingdom of heaven.  When Elisha refused the gifts from Naaman, Gehazi must have thought he was crazy.  Why not take the gift and use it for good?  Wasn't this just another blessing from God?  Yet Elisha was wise enough to know that taking this gift would misrepresent God and His character.

Do we see these characteristics in our lives?  If we are honest, I think we'd all say yes.  May this humble us and make us realize our need for a daily walk with our Lord and a refilling of His Holy Spirit in our lives.

Jesus, please protect me from covetousness, build my faith, give me power by Your Spirit and, most of all, give me compassion for those around me.

2 Kings 4:38 & 5 - Outline

Chapter 4
God Heals the Stew (38-41)
God Feeds the Multitude (42-44)
Chapter 5
Naaman's Leprosy (1-4)
Ben-Hadad Sends Naaman to Israel (5-6)
Naaman Sent to Elisha (7-8)
Elisha's Command (9-10)
Naaman's Rage (11-13)
Naaman Obeys (14-15)
Elisha Refuses a Gift (16-19)
Gehazi's Greed (20-23)
Wages of Sin (24-27)