Friday, January 20, 2017

Matthew 21:1- 21-46 Thoughts

There are so many incredible things in this chapter.  Sometimes it is easy to lose the big-picture when studying a chapter so full of great events, teachings and principles.

Jesus only has a few days left before His death and resurrection.  It is quite clear Jesus knows this and is planning for this.  What would you do if you knew you only have a few days left?  Of course, Jesus would rise from the dead and give additional teachings to his disciples, but now it is time for Jesus to make it clear His purpose in all these things: To testify to the truth. (John 18:37)

God is tired of Israel not producing fruit.  They had become exclusive, judgmental and had lost their love for God and the people.

Jesus starts by example.  He comes in as king, "Lowly, and sitting on a donkey,
A colt, the foal of a donkey."

He then cleans out the temple, curses a fig tree (picture of Israel), shows their hypocrisy when confronted with truth and gives two parables of God's plan to work through the Gentile nation.

When looking at this "big picture," I am reminded how important it is to be about the Father's business.  I often find myself to be judgmental, exclusive and I fail to love people.  I see this in the global church as well.  Are we now the wicked vinedressers?  The moment we refuse to believe we are and question Jesus authority, we are no better off than the chief priests, elders and Pharisees.

"Oh Lord, please keep us from the pride that so easily and quickly ensnares us.  You have entrusted us with such a great responsibility in the Gospel.  Help us to obey Your word in James chapter 2 and not show partiality and to allow our works be a testimony of our faith in You.  We can't do it without Your help, so please empower us with Your Spirit.  Amen."

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