Sunday, February 26, 2017

Matthew 25:1- 25-46 Thoughts

This section is important to understand, but it is often very confusing to the reader.  This should not be the case.  Jesus didn't say things things to cause confusion, but rather to bring clarity.  The issue is because we try to apply all things and prophecy to our situation; which is not always the case.

To understand this section, we must understand that God sees mankind as three groups of people.  In each case, God works differently and has different application.  This is very clear in things like the role of the Holy Spirit.  For a non-believer, the Holy Spirit convicts and points them to Jesus.  The role of the Holy Spirit in a believer is much greater.  To apply principles of the bible to an unbeliever when it was meant for the church is a mistake.  In the same way, applying principles meant for the Jewish nation to the church is also a mistake.

1 Corinthians 10:32 says, "Give no offense, either to the Jews or to the Greeks or to the church of God..."  Paul is speaking of how he deals with people differently based on these three groupings of people.  Throughout scripture, we also see God dealing differently with these three.

The teachings of Matthew 25 are very clear when we see this truth.  The section on the Wise and Foolish Virgins (1-13) is to the Jews during the tribulation (kingdom of heaven being right after the tribulation).  We see this clearly in the number ten as well as the idea of virgins in Revelation 14:4.

The next section, Talents, is to the church.  May we apply this and use the resources God has given to us by His grace and use them to further His kingdom!

The last section is to those in the tribulation who help or don't help the Jewish people during their persecution.

I don't have time to go into detail on each of these here in this blog, but you can listen online to the teaching for more information.

"Lord, please let us see how important it is to use the things you've given to us for Your kingdom.  Whatever you've given to us, ten, two, one talent, help us to look for ways to invest them in the things You would want.  You saved us and then sent us into this world for Your glory.  Help us to be good and faithful servants.  Amen."

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