In this material world, it is easy to ask our selves, "what are the benefits of following Christ?" We see many around us doing things their own way and seem to be prosperous and successful.
This same thought came to mind in this section of Matthew as a very wealthy, young ruler seemed to reject the invitation to follow Christ and yet, in the material world, had much.
Peter asks the question in 19:27, "See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?"
Jesus doesn't rebuke him for the question, but reminds him of two things:
1. God is more than fair.
2. God gives grace and ultimately eternal life.
What more could we ask for? We have received that which is impossible to have by man's efforts!
I know I often lose sight of this. I get focused on the things of this world and my little problems. It is a privilege to server Christ and a tiny token response to what He has done for us.
"Jesus, please help us keep our focus on things that matter. Help us to not let riches or anything else keep us from following You. Build our faith in knowing You love us and want us to use our lives for Your glory. Thank you for saving us and help that to be MORE than enough. Amen."
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