Note: This is in the middle of the section starting at verse 22.
- The people recognise Jesus as the Messiah, but the Pharisees reject. (12:22-32)
- Jesus deals with the illogical rejection of the Pharisees (25-30)
- Rejection of this truth, Jesus is the Messiah (God in human flesh), is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (31-32)
Note: The Holy Spirit is the one who testifies of who Jesus is in our hearts. When we reject His message, we blaspheme (Speak irreverently about God or sacred things).
- The Pharisees speak evil. Jesus tells us this is a sign of what is in their heart (33-37)
- Pharisees seek a sign (12:38-45)
Note: Jesus JUST told them to be careful with their words. They then speak and once again question who Jesus is.
- Jesus explains the sign of Jonah (40)
- Jesus lifts up the repentance of Nineveh over the Pharisees (41)
- Jesus lifts up the the seeking of wisdom by Queen of Sheba over the Pharisees (42)
Note: Both examples, Ninevites and Queen of Sheba were GENTILES!
- Jesus warns this wicked generation (43-45)
Note: This is still in context with the previous section... interesting...
- Jesus puts family in perspective (46-50)
Note: Again, this is very interesting. As Jesus warns of a future generation in a worse spiritual than the Pharisees, He warns against lifting up Jesus family above others, including his mother Mary.
- Parable of the Sower (13:1-23)
- Jesus tells the parable (3-9)
- Jesus explains why He is using parables (10-17)
- Jesus explains the parable of the Sower (18-23)
Note: I am a firm believer in the concept of expositional constancy in the parables. More on that next wee.
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