This is the word of the LORD (9:36)
How often do we read in the Old Testiment, "Thus says the LORD" or "The LORD said?" It is very frequent. I read these words, but do I stop to think about what this means? The LORD cannot lie. What He says will happen. God is faithful and just. These are comforting words when I'm struggling and need to hold onto the promises of God, but they are also convicting when I realize that God is a God of justice and He doesn't just wink at my sin and ignore it.
As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I know my sins have been seperated from me as far as the east is from the west. Jesus paid the price for my sin and I am free. However, as children of the King, He doesn't want us walking in sin or using grace as a doormat or excuse to do our own thing. That isn't being a follower of Christ. So God will chasen us and wants us to repent from our sins quickly and turn back to Him.
For those who don't trust in Jesus Christ as their Saviour, it is a much different story. Unfortunately they will be required to stand in judgement of their sins someday. I don't think anyone in this situation actually believes this to be true. If they did, they would repent and accept Jesus Christ. Instead, they don't believe God and His promises. Instead, they say things like, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." (2 Peter 3:4). Being wise in their own eyes, they become fools.
This thought should break the heart of a Christian. If God's word is true, and every follower of Jesus should believe it is, then people are dieing every day and going to hell. We have the good news, why don't we share? It makes me wonder if I actually believe it to be true.
A wise pastor once said, "The wheels of God's judgment turn slowly, yet they grind completely." God gives us a choice of life or death and then begs us to choose life.
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