Friday, December 30, 2016

Matthew 18:1- 18-32 Thoughts

This chapter deals with greatness.  I believe it is clear in scripture that God made us to be great (Eph 2:10).  Unfortunately, sin in this world has made our view and idea of greatness to be backwards.  Jesus speaks of humility and being child-like (not childish) to be great.  How many people in history are identified with greatness because of their humility... very few.

I think of people with "Great" in their names; Alexander the Great, Harod the Great, Hugh the Great.  Hugh?  Yes, there is a whole wikipedia site showing people with "great" in their name!

In Jesus view, things are much different.  As He gives a few examples, we see so many great characteristics from kids we should always have:
  • Never doubt there is a God
  • Understand our dependence on others - Not self sufficient
  •  Wanting to learn - Knowing we don't know everything
  • Seeing the good in the world
  • Not worrying about the next hour or minute or day
  • Quick to forgive
  • Quick to love
Now I certainly understand, having a five-year-old son at home that he is a big bundle of sin.  I find myself learning as much from my son as he does from me.

"Jesus, please help us to be more like a child when dealing with You, issues around us and other people.  Help us to be humble and recognise our complete dependence on You.  Help us to see the good in the world and in people and not worry about the things; knowing you have everything under control.  Amen."

Matthew 18:1- 18-32 Outline

This chapter will help us understand the idea of Greatness in God's eyes

  • Who is the Greatest? (18:1-6)
  • Dealing with Sin Radically (18:7-9)
  • Parable of the Lost Sheep (18:10-14)
  • Dealing with Sin with a Brother (18:15-20)
  • Dealing with the Sin of Unforgiveness (18:21-35)
    • How often (21-22)
    • Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (23-35)

Friday, December 16, 2016

Matthew 16:27 - 17-27 Thoughts

I've mentioned it before, but I marvel at the flow of the book of Matthew.

Once Peter makes the profession of faith in Jesus as the Christ, Jesus begins to really show them more detail on the plan.  Our God is not one who keeps things from us, but I see Him as One, excited for the future.

In this section, Jesus lets them know, "You ain't seen nothing yet."  Peter, James and John are allowed to see a glimpse of who Jesus really is.  This had to have blown their minds.  For us, when we begin to LIVE as if we BELIEVE Jesus is the Christ, He will also reveal more of Himself to us.

When they return, Jesus shows His power over the ugliest of demons and makes it clear that we also have that type of power if we put our trust and faith in Him.

Jesus reminds them of the plan
  • Live
  • Die
  • Resurrect
They seem to have focused on the second one, because they were very sad.

Then.... Taxes?  What an odd thing for Matthew to speak about at this point.

The point isn't about taxes, but rather our role in God's kingdom.  Jesus uses this tax time as a way of making a point to Peter.  This lesson was for him personally, because this lesson is a very personal lesson!  In His kingdom, we are sons and daughters of the King!  We are no longer strangers.  Until Jesus returns, I guess we still have to pay tax, but praise the Lord, that won't be the case after His return! 😃

"Jesus, thank You for making us your sons and daughters though your death and resurrection.  We owe all to You, yet you ask nothing in return, not even a tax.  Help build our faith and trust in You so we can do Your work here on earth until Your return.  Lord come quickly.  Amen."

Matthew 16:27 - 17-27 Outline

Matthew continues in this section to point out the deity of Christ.

  • Jesus prepares the disciples for the mount of transfiguration (16:27-28)
  • μεταμορφόω - That's greek for metamorphoō (17:1-3)
    • Jesus' Metamorphosis (1-3)
    • Peter's reaction (4)
    • God's reaction (5)
    • Disciples reaction (6)
    • Jesus reaction (7)
      Note: I love the contrast of truth and grace in this section
    • Return from the mountain (8-9)
  • Elijah (10-13)
    Note: Being now fully convened that Jesus was the Christ, they wanted clarity on the prophecies of Elijah.
  • Difficult healing (14-21)
  • Prophecy of Jesus' death and resurrection (22-23)
  • Taxes (24-27)

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Matthew 16:1 - 16-28 Thoughts

After Jesus had just fed the four thousand people with just a few fish and loaves of bread, the Pharisees and Sadducees ask for a sign.  This seems shocking to me.  And yet it further shows how signs and wonders do not lead to faith.  Only by the power of the Holy Spirit by the Holy Scriptures can see the truth and have faith.

After the dialog with these religious leaders, it seemed important for Jesus to warn His disciples about the sin of religion.  Religion is our attempt to reach God and yet this is an impossible task.  Who could possibly reach God?  It is only by God's grace that He reaches down to us and desires a relationship.  And relation is the key to discipleship.  The closer we are in our relation to Christ, the more we become like Him.

The picture of leaven in scripture always points to sin.  A little leaven works its way through the whole loaf just like a little sin works its way through our whole lives.  It is the old adage, "One bad apple makes the whole barrel bad."

Yet isn't it a beautiful picture when we realise how one good apple, aka Jesus Christ, can make the whole barrel good!  When we let a little sin stay in our lives, it can cause all sorts of problems.  When we let a little bit of Jesus Christ, through His word, into our lives, it can cause all sorts of good!

"Jesus, please help us to realise how important it is to seek purity, not by simply trying hard to be pure, but by letting go of our lives and giving it to you.  Help us to read Your Word and let it do its work in us.  Please be that good apple in our lives.  Change us from the inside out.  We love You and thank You for reaching down to save us! Amen."

Matthew 16:1 - 16-28 Outline

This section is a masterpiece regarding how important it is to keep our focus on Jesus.
  • Pharisees and Sadducees Seek a Sign (16:1-4)
  • Danger of the Doctrine of the Pharisees and Saducees (5-12)
  • True Focus, "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" (13-20)
  • Warning of Jesus Death and Prophecy of His Resurrection (21-23)
  • Disciples of Jesus Must also Die to Find Life. (24-28)

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Matthew 15:1 - 15-39 Thoughts

I really love how Matthew has, through the power of the Holy Spirit, organised his writings.

Here in chapter fifteen, he shows how the Pharisees were blinded by their traditions and then show the faith of the Gentile woman in the region of Tyre and Sidon.

Imagine the religious reader of this book trying not to be angry as the truth of how God works comes alive.  How confronting it can be when we realise the emptiness of our traditions, especially when they are done with the wrong motivations.  Traditions can be fun and have good reasons behind them.  I think about Christmas at this time of the year.  It is certainly based on pagan holidays, not the actual time of year Jesus would have been born and many traditions have their roots on pagan practices.  And yet we can freely enjoy the holiday and think upon the wonderful gift of Jesus Christ.  The problems arise when the tradition itself becomes more important than Christ!

I love Romans chapter 14 as Paul tells us it is okay to esteem one day above another, or not to.  But whatever we do, do it unto the Lord and for His glory.  That is the point Jesus is making to the Pharisees.  It is fine to wash your hands in a certain way, but don't forget the important things. Take care of the family (1 Tim 5:8), do things in love (1 Cor 13) and give God the glory (1 Cor 10:31, Eph 5:20).

I pray, "Lord, please keep our priorities straight.  Let us enjoy our traditions, but not hold on to them.  Help us hold on to You and keep you first in all things.

Matthew 15:1 - 15-39 Outline

This week we should be covering all of Chapter 15.  Here is the basic outline.
  • Dirty Hands, Clean Heart (15:1-20)
    • Tradition of hand washing (1-2)
    • Spirit of the law (3-6)
    • Prophecy of the problem (7-9)
    • Teaching of Jesus (10-14)
    • Lack of understanding (15-16)
    • Further teaching (17-20)
  • Gentile with Faith (21-28)
    • Woman tries "traditional" approach (21-22)
    • Jesus draws out her faith (23-26)
    • Woman shows her great faith (27-28)
  • Jesus Continues His Ministry (29-31)
  • Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand (32-39)
    • Compassion (32)
    • Call of the ministry (33-34)
    • Equipping the ministry (35-36)
    • Blessing of the ministry (37-38)
    • Departure (39)